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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Please click on the virtual tour below and drag around to explore the room.


Choral 10-20-30

This course focuses on singing techniques and theory. Students perform frequently throughout the year at festivals, tours, concerts, and at camp.

Instrumental Music 10-20-30

Pre-requisite: completion of Grade 9 band or by audition

Students develop improved technique, study theory, musical history, reading and listening skills. Students also perform in festivals, at professional venues (eg Winspear), on tours, and at camp.

Jazz Music 15-25-35 (Band)

Through critical listening and analysis, students explore the historical and stylistic periods of jazz, its origins, and various sytels, with an emphasis on researching, creating and performing jazz music.