Advanced Placement Flowchart - Click on the above image to enlarge.
Queen Elizabeth High School offers Advanced Placement courses for those who want to further their understanding within a specific course and/or prepare for university/college courses. Students may be eligible to receive university credit for their advanced placement course.
The Advantage and Educational Philosophy of Advanced Placement:
- By participating in an AP course, the student is able to enter a world of intense discussion and thought. AP courses give the students intellectual responsibility to think for themselves and to learn to reason, analyze, and understand.
- AP allows students to undertake college level academic learning and advance into second year college or university courses which traditionally have a much smaller enrollment.
- Upon successful completion of an AP course, students are eligible to receive university credit and/or advanced placement at over 4000 colleges and universities worldwide.
- Research shows that AP students are more likely to graduate from university with a double major and are twice as likely to pursue a PH.D., or studies in medicine or law.
Program Flexibility:
- Students may choose to take one AP course, several courses, or a full AP Program.
- Academic timetables can be tailored according to individual abilities, interests, and extra-curricular time commitments.
World Wide Recognition:
- The Advanced Placement Program allows students to pursue college/university level studies while still in high school.
- More than 14 000 schools worldwide participate in the AP program.
- Almost 1 million students write AP exams worldwide.
- In Canada there are over 454 AP schools, 50 of which are in Alberta.
If you are completing AP exams in conjunction with your high school curriculum, we will use the higher of either your AP score or high school grade for admission. For example, if you present both AP English and English 30-1, the University of Alberta will use the higher of the two English grades when calculating your admission average required for your chosen program. There is no disadvantage for choosing to write the AP Exam.